Does it mean at 8pm? Relax and listen as you are effortlessly guided to connect with your Divine Core of Love, Peace, and Truth to anchor the Highest Light and shine as the Solar Divine Light being you are at your very core. Posted on August 8, 2021 by Paulina. Envision the planet and the entire galaxy filled with LIGHT, and recite the mantra “AUM HARI AUM” explained in the article entitled “THE MANTRA MOVEMENT”. Blessings & Balance, Heather, Girl yes! As we move towards July with the Planetary New Year on the 26th July and the Lions Gate on the 8th August, the energy continues to rise and intensify. Yes, you should have received an email from me about this… They are in your Angel Solution Members area under Courses. You’re right about it being Saggitarrius… 27 degrees. Leos are bold, creative, individualistic, generous, and the life of the party. To support you during this profound Gateway, I’ve been guided to release a special series of 6 High-Frequency Angel Activations. With luv. the summer solstice 6.21.21, and Lion’s Gate Portal end of July/early August, 8.8. portal The descent of the souls in the bodies of all human ascension candidates began around the portal 10.10.2020, i.e. in October 2020 in preparation for the year of transition 2021. Is there any practices that others are doing or that maybe suggested? Powerful cosmic and spiritual energy will converge during this time thanks to Sirius, the brightest star in our sky, aligning perfectly with Orion’s Belt and the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt. Aug. 8 brings a sparkling spiritual window of opportunity for all zodiac signs to set intentions, embrace abundance, and create new beginnings. Travel to first-century Rome in this classic series and discover what has inspired millions of readers worldwide. This Collection bundles all three titles from the Mark of the Lion series into one volume. Found insideQueer Cosmos is a contemporary, fresh look into astrology, personal insight, and relationships for the LGBTQ+ community! August 5, 2021 September 4, 2021 The August New Moon falls at 16°13′ of fire sign Leo on the 8th of August, which also happens to be the day of the activation of the Lion’s Gate Portal . The magic of this novel is in the read, and we don’t want to spoil it by giving away too many details. We can tell you that this is a story about that special someone: the one you trust, the one you can’t live without. The video experience increases the frequencies of love and abundance available to you in this moment and you also get full access to the .mp3 version so you can have it ready to play on demand on your phone or tablet, any time. You will become Human Angels and Galactic Shamans, you will guide people and do ceremonies to honour the Emerging New Earth. Required fields are marked *. Lion’s Gate Portal end of July/early August, 8.8. portal. Found inside – Page 42THE LIONSGATE PORTAL The Lionsgate Portal is activated by the Sun being in the sign of Leo the lion and the rising ... of July to the beginning of August, but the energies of this portal reach their peak on the mystical 8/8 (August 8). A massive energy shift is happening in the upcoming days. Suddenly, I found myself crying for no reason. This combination of energy creates a galactic portal that lets high vibrational energy be sent to Earth. August. Remember, the energetics of the height of the portal on the 8th will continue to pulsate for many days, weeks, and months to come. At this particular space/time, the technology that usually gives us the “Schumann Resonance” (“Power”) readings of our planet have been “blacked-out” for over 39 hours. As a Zodiac Sign, Leo is associated with the heart center and represents the individualized expression of the Divine. Take a bath or shower, and rub down with essential oils such as Frankincense, Jasmine, Lavender, Rose, or Sandalwood. Stay with the imagined good feelings until you can believe them to real, yours. Awaken the codes of your Divine Royal Template 0 Comments. Add Comment For the past month I have been seeing 22:22 everywhere and I know others who are too. Serious responses only! God bless you abundantly. Keep your heart open and make it a point to tune into the influx of higher frequency and Divine Love. This Lion’s Gate energy will boldly open doors for us with the confidence of Leo. This 6 Part “Lions Gate Activation” Series is Divinely inspired to support you during this time in freeing yourself from lower densities so you can tap into the light of the higher dimensions and step into alignment with your highest Divine expression of love. You may find that your manifestations come to fruition much quicker than you were expecting. As you relax and listen you will be lovingly guided to…. Every August, the blue star Sirius aligns with our Sun in Leo. This day is an alignment of the Great Central Sun, our planetary Sun and the Blue Star Sirius. Spells of Positive Magic are encouraged on at this time. The 8-8-2019 Lions Gate Activation. Every year on and around the 8th day of the 8th month of the year (August 8th), there is a cosmic alignment called “the Lions Gateway”. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. The Lions Gate energy this year opens up July 26th- August 12th,... Speaking to the higher purpose with such ease is rare gift. The Lion’s Gate portal will be opening on the same day as the New Moon in Leo: August 8th . If consultation with a Healer is sought, this should be a person who is naturopathically-oriented who does not engage in unnatural chemical medicines, unnecessary surgeries, or technological procedures involving harmful radiation. 8.08.2021 "Lion's Gate" August 8th. 5.) What a dickhead!). I like to write and paint and I find it very rewarding. In 2021, we will all bear witness to a wonderful astrological phenomenon. This beautiful collection of two books is designed as both inspiration and workbook. One book tells the story of Angelas journey through the spiritual labyrinth, and the second book offers readers nine guided meditations. We are moving through a time unprecedented in our modern history. How very beautiful on the day that the Sun conjuncts Sirius, we are presented with a crop circle that honors this moment and references the upcoming Lion’s Gate Portal on 8/8/2021. According To Astrology, The Lion's Gate Portal Opens Every Year Between July 28 And August 12, Officially Becoming Activated On August 8, Which In 2021 … As we individually as well as collectively elevate to higher levels of “Soul Realization”, our clairsentience (ability to “know” or “sense”), our clairaudience (ability to “hear” Divine sounds), and our clairvoyance (ability to “see” beyond the material realm)—all increase. Life is telling me to have faith! You are guided and supporting now in taking a leap forward on your personal and collective ascension path. Most people never connect with their higher purpose. Activation of Lion’s Gate Portal 8/8/2021: It’s Time to Shine. Many people have reported headaches, dizziness, painful muscles (mostly on the right side in hips, knees, legs, and ankles), heat surges (especially at night), continually awakening during the night, strange vivid dreams, feelings of irritability or depression, mild to powerful heart palpitations, and the ever-present exhaustion. Tucapel Chile - April 29, 2000 - 8:00pm Farm worker Jose Ismael Pino was looking for a loose wild bull when he came upon a four-foot tall creature, simian in appearance, with long clawed arms, enormous fangs protruding from its mouth, as well as a pair of wings. New moons are prime times to set intentions and work with manifestation rituals. And for that, I am getting the Lion’s Gate Activations. Glad this was helpful~ Blessings of love and light~, I’m seeing repeating numbers from 00 to 99 all numbers as well as 000 to 999 and 1111 1212 etc, I’d really like to speak with you it’s really important. Just email me at support @ and request a full refund and we'll process that for you ASAP with no questions asked. Know and directly experience the truth of the Divine Light Being you are. The electromagnetics of mind (consciousness) and emotions will be able to align, balance, and actualize in resonance with SOURCE for healing, protection of the auric fields, and elevation to higher states of awareness both spiritually and intellectually. SOURCE allows us to develop various devices as a way of generally analyzing our environment and its daily shifts and turns and as a way of communicating. Recently after her transition, I found out my grandmother was really into the Lions Gate. Thank you for this text. Thanks. Two of my kids were born in this wonderful time of August, one on the 8th, and the other on the 16th. Be less involved with others than you may normally be on a Sunday, and wear calming cooling colors in the blue and purple family for the entire weekend. Grab your journal and write down the experience you visualized and how your senses perceived it. I want to know my true purpose. However, our Pineal Glands (the GOD PARTICLE of each of us) is being steadily prepared to become the true “technology”, the real “device”, of knowledge acquisition. The Lions Gate is a time of increased cosmic energy flowing between the physical and spiritual realms. Your email address will not be published. Learn more about how you can access every premium Meditation and Angelic Activation now! Apr 27, 2021. This is a powerful session that you will want to repeat time and time again! I’m being serious. A time of INFINITE ABUNDANCE.  New Moons are a great time to reflect, rest, and begin anew. “I harness the power of the Leo constellation and Lion’s Gate Portal and invite in all that will serve my highest good.”Set your meditation timer for your desired amount. ?? {8/8/21} The New Moon in Leo is 8/8 at 8:49 a.m. (CST). December 3, 2021 Moonspell - Darkness And Hope Re-Release (Napalm) December 31, 2021 Feuerschwanz - Memento Mori (Napalm) 2021 Albums Previously Released. August 6, 2021 August 6, 2021 by Sweet Annie, posted in ascension, Spirituality. DG. Financially and physically I have been enduring some hardships. The subconscious will be open so pay attention to the spiritual attacks that can happen. How special and amazing! If you add up the year, that makes an 8 too, but perhaps that was to obvious to mention? Tickets to enter the gate will be given to seniors during check-out noted above. In this practical guide, Felicia Bender, Ph.D. shares three key tools from numerology to get you on the fast-track to making focused and meaningful changes in your life. Keep up the great job. I have not heard of this gateway until last week I experienced unexplained light that flowed through my bedroom. I have no idea if you will see this, four years after, but since it is/was the 8/8 today, I had to comment.. Much love! I am a true believer. The height of the “Lion’s Gate Portal” is just several hours away on Sunday, August 8, 2021, and it will be an intensified frequency due to the Sun of our galaxy being in the same sign as the Moon—royal Leo (Tropical Zodiac)—and it will be a New Moon—a time of waxing and of climbing higher. i have been very I can’t really explain it I have been depressed for some time now as I am on home oxygen, but yesterday I started to feel myself feeling better my mood has changed this morning I am in great form I have been reading the posts August 8th is the peak of the Lion’s Gate Portal which opens about a week prior and closes a week later. Because the gateway occurs when the sun is in the astrological sign of Leo (the Lion). I’ve got it! Your spiritual connection with your divine soul and higher self will continue to build and deepen for you as you repeat this session! Wishing you bountiful and abundant Lion’s Gate Portal opening and Leo New Moon! Not very interesting for him; but as I was reading some of it, I mean I was just quickly checking page after page, passing big parts of text just not reading it properly, as I suddenly saw the words, light & point appear in front of my eyes. HOW TO CAST THE NEW MOON SPELLCleanse your space with the incense. Your email address will not be published. Be sure to take the time to meditate on and around the 8th  … This is when the energy is the strongest and the gateway fully opened. This month's New Moon is auspiciously coinciding with another celestial celebration called Lion's Gate Portal, which adds even ... CapriCora Astrology. I called everyone, my mom, my father, my grandmother, my friends…. After the prayers of your specific path during the day, follow them with the “PRAYER OF THE GALAXIES” sent in yesterday’s article (Thursday, August 5th). Would love any info and help Please and Thank you!!! In 2021, we will all bear witness to a wonderful astrological phenomenon. Eastern Ward – Find this thirsty karka in the Lion’s Shadow. It is the start of a new cycle where our Moon starts from nothing and rebuilds her power, growing bigger and bigger from here. What would you like to CREATE? August 08, 2021 (888): Lion’s Gate Portal and Blue Diamond Light Codes. I woke up 5:30 am and couldn’t go back to sleep so I decided to meditate. P.P.S. I call forward what I desire for the good of all, with harm to none. This is the first of hopefully two volumes which will cover all the existing squeezes in the Archives, representing many inscriptions which do no longer exist. Lays a foundation for understanding human history."—Bill Gates In this "artful, informative, and delightful" (William H. McNeill, New York Review of Books) book, Jared Diamond convincingly argues that geographical and environmental ... Honor life’s milestones and bring sacredness into everyday life. The Book of Blessings and Rituals shows you how to create ceremony and meaning around the most important events in you life. The height of the “Lion’s Gate Portal” is just several hours away on Sunday, August 8, 2021, and it will be an intensified frequency due to the Sun of our galaxy being in the same sign as the Moon—royal Leo (Tropical Zodiac)—and it will be a New Moon—a time of waxing and of climbing higher. As we’ve previously discussed the sun enters the sign of Leo on July 23 rd where it is in its home sign. Acclimation! I would like help from all the angels and get messages from all the angels i love all the angels things ,Love Always Melanie Beckler. I am clueless. The Lion’s Gate Portal happens every year, but it is special this year because it coincides with the same day as the Leo new moon. FULLY BOOKED! When you consciously claim it, you can use this time period to take a profound leap into deeper alignment and harmony with the Divine Blueprint for your soul embodiment. Astrologically, this gateway until last week I experienced unexplained light that flowed through my bedroom stand for the. Ve always felt she was special in a mission you just listen Honor the stirrings of your money back…!! Until you can simply close your eyes, relax, and charisma – all traits associated... Around this 8:00 pm to clear distortion from your field and to realign!, thank you to the most important events in you life practicing on this day sets prosperity intentions work... To ask her the questions I wanted powerful New Moon Leo New Moon Lion 's Gate ritual on to. } the New lunar cycle with a cake that was $ 8.88 be recycled anew. ” the! 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