What do they mean breath of breaths or Found inside – Page 141While for two decades White's view gained influence , in 1989 Jeremy Cohen published a booklength treatment on the ... and Eve's perception of their relation to the Earth is largely derived from Genesis 2:15 ( echoed in Paradise Lost in ... This is why, we say that we have to comprehend what “Sat שאת” is, because each one of us has their own Seity within, as well as their own deity or particular Elohim or God within. Para is “absolute” and nishpana is “happiness.” Ain Soph Paranishpana are atoms with absolute happiness, atoms that know; yet most of our particular individual atoms do not know. Ha-Adam translated into English means “the man” but the other two letters after הא Ha are Daleth and Mem. The Monad is the individual Deity that we each have within. That is Adam Kadmon. So, obviously, in the beginning the Word, the Logos “את Ath” was utilizing the sexual energy in order to create. in each of the seven bodies of the true human being changes with the annihilation of our animal mind, ego or Kain in each of the seven infra-conscious levels in Klipoth underneath Malkuth, where our consciousness Genesis Paradise Lost - 2-DVD Set Recapturing the week of Creation with biblical accuracy and cutting-edge RealD 3D cinematography and, GENESIS: Paradise Lost brings the first chapter of the Bible to life on screen! The Ain Soph needs to develop its cosmic creativity or individuality, and that is why it unfolds and projects into the universe. Using stunning visual effects, epic orchestration, and the latest scientific and historical research, this film explores the context of the highly studied and hotly debated book of Genesis. Special Price $11.99 . Kain has to be killed and annihilated because he is just an animal inside of us. Genesis turned professional in autumn 1969, and began to rehearse intensely and play live shows. Bankshot. or the blood in other words. And she brought forth again את־אחיו Ath Ahav, her brother, את־הבל Ath Habel and הבל Habel, רעה צאן evil sheep, and Kain was a tiller of האדמה Ha-Adamah, the ground.” - Genesis 4: 1, 2. We have 108 opportunities to return into the West, this physical world, in order to do what we have to do; and what do we have to do? When the Bible talks about the genealogy of Adam & Eve, Kain & Abel, Seth and all the other individuals who appear as descendants of Adam, comprehend that this is a psychological genealogy. and to comprehend in the 49 levels of your mind, your Kain, that defect. - Hebel הבל lies dead to the Spirit. 2 Item(s) Show. correspond to the seven virtues or churches or chakras of Revelation in each of the seven bodies. We came out because we were inside her womb, we were happy, she nourishes us inside there, right? Kain found his spouse in the land of Nod, which is Limbo. IMDb Rating 7.2 436 votes. In this day and age we find a lot of those people. Genesis: Paradise Lost brings the first chapter of the Bible to life! Tracing the poem's reception in the Byzantine, medieval, and early Renaissance, including Petrarch and Erasmus, the book ends with a lengthy exploration of Milton's imitations of the poem in Paradise Lost. God's promise of a future redemption is expounded, and the symbolism between God's provision after man's Fall and Christ's sacrifice on Calvary is examined. according to materialism in the spheres of hell. So vanity of vanities means three, right? He is always charitable, perfect” and then you go there in the physical world imitating your Father which is good, but imitating him consciously, not stupidly, and doing charity and good things for people who do not need it and you think, “Oh! I was wondering how are you defining happiness? Let us study the articulated Word; for instance, when males enter puberty and the testicles start creating sperms, the voice changes into a voice of an adult man. It relates to the first root race who existed on our planet earth who were a crystallization of those Elohim that the Master talks about who committed the mistakes in the past cosmic day. 27 Subtitled Languages! When the Monads emerge from the Abstract Absolute Space they emerge like a ray of light. souls It is not something that we have to do by force. "The universe shook with terror when the aurora of the new cosmic day was announced. $19.99 In this physical world we need the sexual energy in order to be born. They were already developed but not perfect. In 2017 I released the first 3D Christian film in theaters (nation-wide) called Genesis: Paradise Lost.Since then it's helped to save souls around the world and has been met with critical acclaim and even won me the "Best Director of a Documentary in 2018" award by ICFF!I don't say any of this to boast, but rather to show you that I'm a passionate and competent Christian film maker who . What we are talking about here are cosmic mistakes. To create the human, spiritually speaking. Both from within and without the church, assaults on GENESIS continue to question the Creation and ultimately the Creator. They first developed in the mineral kingdom, and then entered the plant kingdom, later into the animal kingdom, and when for the first time they enter the humanoid level, they have the opportunity to work upon themselves in order to create what in Hebrew is called the Merkabah, or the Chariot, which is formed by four bodies (physical, astral, mental and causal solar bodies) with which the deity dresses in order to return triumphant into the Abstract Absolute Space. Both from within and without the church, assaults on GENESIS continue to question the Creation and . Kain states, if we are happy, it is because of what the five senses are giving us, comfort, etc. So we see how the word “Sat” both in Hebrew and Sanskrit relate to the same abstractness. Indeed, each one of us has their own particular individual שאת Sat or Ain Soph. With epic orchestration, stunning visual effects, and the latest historical and scientific research, this film explores the context of the highly studied and hotly-debated Biblical . God's first creation was light, the primary requirement for life. They were given all the necessary guidance and instruction in order to perform and to learn the sexual act as humans. Cutting-edge cinematography meets proven science and biblical accuracy, bringing the first book of the Bible to life in both 2D and 3D formats on the big screen. You say, “Okay”, and you give him this. There was a perfect earth with no sin when Genesis 2 ends. This is what Jesus said: “Your Father knows what things you have need of, before you ask him. If we add the number twelve in itself, it gives us three. Disc 1 (Run Time: 1 hr 50 min) Genesis: Paradise Lost - 2D Feature Film. By allowing audiences to experience creation on screen and to understand the science behind it, GENESIS: Paradise Lost reinforces how an intelligently designed universe matches both scientific facts and Scripture. Found inside – Page 62CHAPTER 3 Paradise Lost Genesis 2:4–3:24 This rather lengthy narrative about the Fall into sin introduces several topics that canbetreatedinsermons:theformation of humanbeingsasdustandbreath(2:7), human work (2:15), marriage (2:18-25), ... It is not that we believe in this because this is not a matter of believing. The Kabbalist says, “Well, that is easy: Nephesh, Ruach and Neshamah”. The Hebrew word Elohim means “gods and goddesses.” But, indeed, not all of those Elohim are developed as cosmo-creators, as the Master Samael explains in the beginning of that quotation. In India that Trinity is called Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. This in order to be sure that Osiris’s body will never be found, and throwing the pieces into the River Nile. Well, thank you very much and we invite you to meditate. “Space is filled with universes, and while some systems of worlds are emerging from the profound Night, others are arriving at their sunset. In the beginning, when our Monads lost enjoyment of that happiness of the Universal Father, our Monads lost it not because they did something wrong; they lost it because the duty of every atom of the Absolute is to know, to acquire cognizance of itself. Top Rated Christian Movies. that woman is beautiful.” No, this beauty is what The Pistis Sophia calls Martha, and what in Kabbalah The meaning of הבל Hebel - when switching the letters lamed and beth - is הלב HaLeb, How many are going to follow this path? With Adam we think, it is our brain and we utilize Adam, our brain in order to think. There are many people who do not care about this and they call this just an illusion, they say: “I don’t want to waste my time on these superstitions. Read more. Regular price Be y para señorear en el día y en la noche y para separar la luz de las tinieblas y vio Dios era bueno y fue la tarde y la mañana el día cuarto La Genesis . Add To Cart . Kain is your mind - sinful, animal mind - that was born because you broke the law. He is the only one that we, the Gnostics, know who returned into the Ain, the Nothingness, the Uncreated Light. But it is not only related to Malkuth; remember that Klipoth is within Malkuth, because Nod, is Limbo which is in Klipoth. Habel is that / 01:51:45. , namely, Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod, Malkuth, this is speaking Kabbalistically. This is a good charity because we are talking against Kain. Two is the feminine principle, the water, the semen. But we are losing that sexual energy in many ways because in this day and age fornication is very popular. We are going to expand on the lecture Paradise Lost in order to comprehend “Paradise” in greater depth, since it can be interpreted in a number of ways. The letter Hei by itself represents the Ain Soph, because the letter Hei is like a womb that contains in itself the three atoms of the Absolute, which are represented in the shape of the letter Aleph, formed by three letters, namely, two letters Iod separated by one transversal Vav. You save 10%. Throat and genitalia are intimately related. Himself. Helpful. of the semen (seed), the sexual energy. 49 breaths, or 49 It is also related with what John the Divine of the Gospel of John stated: “In the beginning was “שאת Sat” the Word, and “שאת Sat” the Word was with God and the Word “שאת Sat” was God.” The same “Sat שאת” was in (בראשית Barashyth) the beginning with God. So as Solomon said: What is the difference between the irrational beasts and us, the children of האדם H’Adam, we, the rational beasts? Have you ever wondered why certain religions believe and practice what they do? Or how they view the Bible? This volume delves into these and other engaging questions, such as: How can a Christian witness to people in these religions? As Osiris, Habel is dead, because - הבל הבלים Habel Habelim - represent the - נשמת חיים Neshamoth Chayim - or 7 breaths of life within each of the seven bodies of - האדם לנפש חיה HaAdam L'Nephesh Chaiah - the true human living Gnosis, We now have arrived at the Caduceus of Mercury with its wings of the Spirit that are always opened. "The author provides a book-by-book examination of Paradise Lost for the first-time reader, highlighting the important features of Milton's epic style"-- Found inside – Page 43A New Reception Critical Approach to Genesis 2-4 Holly Morse ... A similar division between the strength and the weakness of the sexes also made its way in to perhaps the most famous modern rewriting of Genesis, Paradise Lost. Hence, everything remained in silence. The image of Adam is in the י Iod within the second Hei of יהוה, which represents Yesod, sex. In the book of Genesis 3:1-6, the passage teaches the story of how Satan tempts Eve into causing the act that leads to the "fall of mankind". Found insideMike drills down into the Word and lays out what the New Testament actually says concerning the possibility of a Christian losing their salvation, once having been saved. Thus, this is how the Gods and human beings descended within the shadows of the universe. It is yourself, when you do the work. Free shipping with no order minimum required. We aim to show you accurate product information. Study Guide to accompany Lost Small Group DVD Series. Dr. S. Lewis Johnson goes into further detail about God's judgment of Adam's sin in the Garden of Eden. We will instruct you how to proceed. 5.0 out of 5 stars JESUS is the Way, the Truth and the Life . Our website is being upgraded this week. If there is one part of the Bible that has undergone more scrutiny and abuse than any other, it is the very beginning-GENESIS. throughout the entire body. the את Ath of Eve, the sexual organ, his wife. In this day and age fornicator people justify themselves saying “we are humans,” so they call themselves humans, but they ignore they are not humans because we were driven out from that state long ago; we were driven out from Eden. Please enable JavaScript in your browser and reload the page. An example; you are walking in the street and you find a beggar, right? Production: What we know about Genesis: Paradise Lost? This alchemically means that when we sublimate the life, the Salvation Poem by Matt & Sherry McPherson - Performed by Leeland Director. we have an atom, a divine atom. Genesis: Paradise Lost (also known as Genesis 3D) is the unknown and obscure much-hyped, highly-anticipated project by Eric Hovind of Creation Today and Resurrection Pictures with Ralph Strean directing and producing. What a place it must have been with all of the glow of Creation unshrouded by sin. So, because of fornication, through the doors of sex, we are again and again leaving Yesod, Eden, the East where the sunrises, which as you said is Malkuth, which relates to East and West, right? Eve is the creator of all forms, of all life. The story of humanity's fall and expulsion from the Garden of Eden has implications for animal-human relations because those made in the image of God are unable to exercise godly dominion over the earth. souls So if you find a current lower price from an online retailer on an identical, in-stock product, tell us and we'll match it. Found insideIt is considered by critics to be Milton's "major work", and the work helped to solidify his reputation as one of the greatest English poets of his time. More Images. So ignoramuses also worship the Sun, right? souls So Kain also has nightmares. . Genesis: Paradise Lost, Blu-ray/DVD Combo Pack. He said, “That is ridiculous, it is ego” but not his ego in me, rather ego in me that looked like a virtue, you know? Buy Individually; Genesis: Paradise Lost: 2D DVD Set. Tiphereth in Hebrew means “splendor” but usually it is translated as beauty because everything that has such splendor or “glow” is beautiful. We have been in business since 2004. Here are cradles, and far away there are sepulchers. The two polarities of creation were within the same body. -breath) vanity," at the end, there are seven vanities (seven levels of consciousness) To synthesize and comprehend what we are indicating here, we are going to look at a verse of the book of Revelation where we read that when the Lord Christ appears to John the Divine, he says, “I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, says (ὁ κύριος kyrios) the Lord, which is, which was and which will be, (ὁ παντοκράτωρ pantokratōr) the Almighty.”, The Book of Revelation is written in Greek and that is why it is written “I am Alpha and Omega.” However, when the Book of Revelation is translated into Hebrew we do not read “I am Alpha and Omega,” but “אני האלף והתו Ani (I am) Aleph and Tav” because Aleph is the first letter of the Hebrew alphabet and Tav is the last. Taut, brooding, and densely atmospheric, the stories here show us how murder can arise out of boredom, perversity from adolescent curiosity—and how sheer evil can become the solution to unbearable loneliness. But, ignoramuses think in that way and they do not realize that in order to transform their mind, they need energy and they get that energy from the Sun. Why does Habel Habelim הבלים הבל refer to the seven lower Sephiroth? Instructor: That is a very good point because our own particular Kain thinks that happiness relates to all the sensations from our five senses. And when he said, “All is vanity,” it means that everything in Assiah, the world of matter and action, this physical world of Malkuth, all is vanity, all is Features: Ken Ham, Dr. Voddie Bacham, Dr. Charles Jackson, Dr. Danny Faulkner, Dr. Georgia Purdom, and Ray Comfort. Money is necessary, it is necessary, but we have to put our feet on the ground. Paradise Lost, but Regainable! Then it is repeated “vanity of vanities” pointing to the other three lower sephiroth, namely, Netzach, Hod and Yesod, in the world of Yetzirah, right? Theatrical panel discussion with Ken Ham and Guests. of the sperm, named Habel (breath), we then become a living From the heart? Master Aberamentho is known on the earth as Jesus of Nazareth. First, in the beginning you cannot see the good that you do in the wrong way, you can only see the evil and there is a lot of evil we do. with the Spirit, but this is a long work. Duration. Paradise Lost, but Regainable! of certain Monads that realized that if they do not do the alchemical work, they will sink into devolution so, therefore, because they have no interest in self-realization they wanted to commit suicide since they knew that sooner or later they will eventually sink down. Genesis: Paradise Lost (3D) Movie Rating. Moreover, 7+7 = 14, the Fourteenth Arcanum is chastity, $2.99. Helpful. have radically changed my life in a profound manner. re: Genesis: Paradise Lost trailer, aka creation vs evolution Posted by ZappBrannigan on 10/20/17 at 3:01 pm to SCLSUMuddogs So in the movie Noah. So in the beginning, it is stated in all the traditions that the Lemurians were divided into two sexes. Do we go to Heaven? Yes! What ever happened to Paradise? λόγος Logos is “the Word.” So the word Theomertmalogos is addressing the Elohim immersed within Martha, that glorious splendor of the Logos or “Mertma Logos” that we call שאת Sat. And there are other levels, but today we are not going too deep, in order for you not to get confused. We have talked many times about these paragraphs of Genesis because they have a very Kabbalistic, alchemical, symbolic meaning. And if we add (Malkuth, where), "all is ( Yes, we need money but do not identify with it. 45+ services including Netflix, Hulu, Prime Video. So you see that to be a Christian, to be a Muslim, to be a Jew or a real Buddhist is not a matter of action in the real world; doing good which in the long run is bad. But as you know from the story of Genesis, those human beings committed the mistake of eating the forbidden fruit. One is the masculine principle, the fire. , but the translators of the Bible wrote “Vanity of vanities.” It could also be breath of breaths or We have to learn how to read the Bible from this point of view, in order to comprehend Genesis. In this seminal work, Alter describes how the Hebrew Bible's many authors used innovative literary styles and devices such as parallelism, contrastive dialogue, and narrative tempo to tell one of the most revolutionary stories of all time: ... Give us this day our daily bread. 2/8/2021-2/13/2021 Solar light is the center of life within every universe. Lost Small Group Study Guide. This is how the lost paradise must be understood. For the first time, leverage these previously exclusive visuals from Genesis: Paradise Lost in your worship service. For C. S. Lewis, the peaceful coexistence of diverse species depicted in biblical myth is a paradise lost. We are here because we choose to be here, because our Inner Being wants for us to develop cognizance and to return, to go back. View as: Grid List Sort By GENESIS: Paradise Lost. Bible Text: Genesis 2 | Teacher: Joshua Moore | Series: Genesis: Paradise Lost Vivid CG animation and interviews with experts and Ph.D.’s bring together this powerful production to deliver an incredible, thought-provoking investigation into our origins. Master Samael says that in the beginning (בראשית Barashyth) the Elohim or Gods were crying and begging שאת Sat, the Logos, not to begin the dawn of the Cosmic Day because that implies the Exile or the Diaspora, the departure of ש Shin, the fiery trinity of creation, from the Absolute Abstract Space, into the universe. enter genesis: paradise lost! Thus, Genesis 4: 1, 2 explains how subsequently Adam, the brain, knew - better said, absorbed - through the orgasm, The generation of Kain that ends with Lamech represents the animals, the egos, that we created. soul The world often forces us to support huge capitalist models with questionable ethics and so I'm grateful for your life enriching material. Just call 918-481-9999 ext : 1 or email us if you’d like to initiate an overseas order. We go back to Nod, to Limbo, and from Limbo we return again into this physical world, wearing a new physical body. transmutations, the waters. If we take the letter Aleph out of שאת Sat we then find the name שת Seth, which is the 3rd son of Adam and Eve. This is what the Bible calls חוה Chavah, the creative energy of the two sexes. Then, “Vanity of vanities, Vanity of vanities, everything is vanity” as you read in Ecclesiastes relates to the 49 times that our breath, Habel, the young man, is dead at the hands of Lamech. Unfortunately, his brother Seth, was very jealous of his brother; thus, Seth began to form a plan to kill Osiris and to sit over his throne. Genesis states, “בראשית ברא אלהים Barashyth created Elohim.” This means that Barashyth בראשית or “ ברי-שאת Bri-Sat” the Pure Unchangeable Seity created a Deity or what we call Elohim. To begin this Kabbalistic, Alchemical explanation, we are going to read some excerpts from the Master Samael Aun Weor in . Thirteen is death; it is obvious that Osiris must pass three days in the sepulcher, and those three days are equivalent to the three steps of the decapitation of (Kain) the ego. How do we say that in Latin? The letter י Iod is the tenth letter in the Hebrew alphabet. Is that the goal of life? A family company located in Mora MN. All go unto one place; all are of the dust, and all turn to dust again.” - Ecclesiastes 3: 19. All Rights Reserved. If Cain shall be avenged sevenfold, truly Lamech seven times sevenfold.” - Genesis 4: 23, 24. Through fornication, through the orgasm, , developing consciousness That cosmic departure is called the Diaspora or Exile. Ain Soph means, “limitless.” So, within the bosom of space of what we call the Cosmic Common Universal Father, those atoms enjoy what we call happiness, but without knowing what that happiness is. From the brain? Genesis: Paradise Lost (Fathom Events Trailer 2) Now Playing: Genesis: Paradise Lost (Fathom Events Trailer 2) Summary: : Fathom Events, Sevenfold Films and Creation Today are thrilled to present a special one-night event, Genesis: Paradise Lost, in select cinemas nationwide on Monday, November 13 and Thursday, November 16 at 7:00 p.m. local time. Vivid CG animation and interviews with experts and Ph.D.’s bring together this powerful production to deliver an incredible, thought-provoking investigation into our origins. Only we, rational beasts, can learn how to utilize the Word in order to create; but, for that we have to know how the Word is related to the sexual energy as we explained in the first lecture. What is a good charity at our level? What Barashyth בראשית specifies the very pure mysterious divine “שאת Sat” which in Hebrew means “dignity” or “Seity,” and “ברי Bri,” means “clear or pure” in Aramaic. As I’ve told you about the experience with my Inner Being who told me, “I have no ego” and then after hearing that I realized, “Yes, of course, you don’t have ego, but I have it and that is why I am in disgrace because those virtues that you utilize wisely, I utilized them in a very stupid way.” Why? When you add the letter ה Hei at the end of את Ath , then we find the word אתה Athah. and that we have to know every defect, every vice, every animal aspect that we have within psychologically. At that time, after the splitting, the angels instructed the couples in how to perform the sexual act in order to create within themselves what they needed to enter or return into the Absolute Abstract Space. In the akashic records of every single manifestation on every planet, there are many stories of mistakes made by certain Monads who were already self-realized where they committed mistakes, but those mistakes were at a higher level. Here Master Samael Aun Weor is entering into what the Bible in the book of Genesis states at the very beginning: Let us understand that creation sprouted from the Ain Soph, the womb of the heavens and from Yesod the womb of the earth.”. We have to study it within the 49 levels of the protoplasmic mind. They do not see that the word את Ath is the luminous and spermatic fiat of Barashyth בראשית, the beginning. God's promise of a future redemption is expounded, and the symbolism between God's provision after man's Fall and Christ's sacrifice on Calvary is examined. by Samael Aun Weor. And Cain went out from the presence of יהוה, and dwelt in the (wandering) land of Nod (Limbo), on the front east of Eden.” - Genesis 4: 14, 16. souls Apologetics powerhouse Ken Ham provides children important insight and a biblical foundation that combats the idea of human "races." From the Garden of Eden to our world today, there is just one race – the human race. Chesed is the first one because He hovers upon the creative waters in the beginning of the creation of man - Chesed, Geburah, Tiphereth, Netzach, Hod, Yesod and Malkuth. There are others Monads who are not like that. In Hebrew he is called Raphael. Yes, but for one minute, no. If there is one part of the Bible that has undergone more scrutiny and abuse than any other, it is the very beginning-GENESIS. Every Ain Soph is limitless, with infinite possibilities. If animals do it, it is because it is logical for them to do it, but it is not logical for us. In the end if the Monad does not do it, that is its choice but at least they had the 3,000 cycles of opportunities. Those three atoms are a particular inheritance within every Ain Soph. Thereafter it is written “Ath HaSchamayim את השמים” which is translated as “in the Heavens.”. of Not like these people who think; “Oh! If there's one part of the Bible that's undergone more scrutiny than any other, it's the very beginning -- Genesis. 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