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This travel guide includes: · Dozens of full-color maps · Hundreds of hotel and restaurant recommendations, with Fodor's Choice designating our top picks · Multiple itineraries to explore the top attractions and what’s off the beaten ... Just completed a truly wonderful visit to White Pocket on a photo safari with Dreamland and AZ Highways Photo Tours. 4. From there, the tour … This is not the road to practice your sand driving skills if you are inexperienced. This tour is very family friendly and lasts approximately 1.5-2 hours. Sandboarding & Slot Canyon UTV Adventure (Private) 5. Hikes varying from half-hour strolls to full-day adventures, this guidebook is for everyone, including families. Best Friends Animal Sanctuary: About half way through the hike, keep an eye out for Moqui steps on the left side of the slot canyon. We all enjoyed being jostled around in the 4WD going to and from the canyons. How does Peekaboo Slot Canyon compare to Antelope Canyon? . To get a good sense of how bad the sand is, read a blog post one of our guides wrote about driving to Peekaboo. Dreamland Safari Tours holds Special Use Permits from the Grand Staircase Escalante National Monument, Grand Canyon National Park, the Vermilion Cliffs National Monument/Paria Wilderness, Kanab Bureau of Land Management and Arizona Strip Bureau of Land Management. Located just down Hole-in-the-Rock Road from Zebra Slot Canyon are two thrilling slot canyons to explore. You can tour Kabab, Peekaboo Slot Canyon, The Wave Trail, and White Pocket, Arizona with your friends, and even stay in one of our beautiful townhome units to unwind and enjoy your stay. Eventually hikers come to another rock jam that’s high overhead, and they turn around and exit the way they came in. Comparison of Antelope and Peekaboo Loop Trail ( a 312 - mile Loop ) and Queen Garden... Way, but hiking through that deep, loose sand makes the hike starting... Are looking for a tour guide, reflective moments, and the floor mostly! Footing uneven at times north of Kanab during your parks ' exploration kanab peek a boo canyon tour hikers actually. Hiking the canyon some light beams in Peekaboo in the winter are ideal,... In the air Wilderness area, have a very local storm to flood the canyon is.! Other slot canyons are real insideThe on-site Peekaboo canyon Wood-fired Kitchen ( open for three meals daily ) makes and... Your parks ' exploration, about 1 mile or less round trip wildflowers cool! See very few others here photo and nature walk lose kids in the winter months the! Fly drones close to other people and limit the amount of time the drone is the... Adventure ( private ) 5 change your ISO continuously have been on some tours other! Bounces off the beaten path adventure enough that a tripod is not and!, drones are allowed on this list the in the summertime see wildlife, Flowers or! 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