A disease of the skin that is characterized by the development of small papules, itching, and sometimes alopecia; itching and crust formation may be involved. Also known as a scrape. Lauren loved to be involved in the community including Cub Scouts and fundraising events. Sir Thomas Browne. Found inside – Page 73Sheree Beam On October 22 , 1989 , Clem Mulhair , a senior veterinary student at lowa State University , took his own ... This is the simple skeleton of statistics that describes Clem's life , but it does not come close to describing ... Term refers to how closely grazed a pasture is; ungrazed, lightly grazed, etc. Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. Found inside – Page 356There are several terms used to describe the veterinary technician and assistant. ... To use any title, words, abbreviation, or letters in a manner or under circumstances that induce the belief that the person using them is qualified to ... A condition in which a stone is found in the ureter. The empty space inside any hollow organ or bodily structure. With a limited exception for miniature horses, only dogs are protected as service animals under the ADA, a recent refinement to the law. The bacteria that is involved with turning alcohol into acetic acid. A term usually used in the context of care for rabbits; a little structure with a ridged roof that may be used to house rabbits. The place where something happens; the area in which certain actions take place. Term used to refer to any drug or substance that is used to control vomiting. Term used to describe a drug that is used to reduce a feverish temperature. Refers to the changes undergone by the skeletal system during development of the fetus; has the ability to be inherited genetically. A line (imaginary) that divides an animal’s body into right and left; does not have to be an equal line. The tissue that holds up the testicles and contains the vas deferens, nerves, and muscles of the male reproductive organs. By using the […] A condition of the blood in which normal red blood cell counts or hemoglobin are lacking. A line (imaginary) that divides the body into cranial and caudal; may also be referred to as the horizontal plane. The process in which meat ‘rots' after slaughtering or fruits or vegetables become soft; also referred to as self-digestion. Term often used for individuals who care for horses. A picture of the internal body organs that is created by recording the pulses and echoes made by sound waves. The following business vocabulary can be used to describe a business including its culture, mission, vision, goals, strategy, brand and initiatives. The folds of skin below the ear in a fowl bird. A chromosome not involved in determining sex. Below the surface of something, as in position. The process of surgically extracting one or both of the adrenal glands. An element found in trace amounts in soil; closely related to sulfur. Alphabetical-All Subject & Themed Puzzles, Ability, Abscess, Abuse, Adverse, Affect, Agitation, Agony, Amount, Analysis, Appetite, Appointment, Assistance, Authority, Awe, Badge, Behavior, Big animal, Bizarre, Blood sample, Business, Care, Career, Case, Caution, Cleanse, Client, Clinic, Clinical, Colic, Collaboration, Comfort, Composure, Concern, Consequence, Consistency, Constant, Consultation, Contagious, Contaminant, Counteraction, Creature, Deadly, Degree, Dehydration, Deprivation, Desire, Devotion, Diagnosis, Diet, Discharge, Disease, Dispense, Doctoring, Dose, Droop, Ease, Education, Effective, Element, Equine, Equipment, Evidence, Examination, Experience, Harm, Health, Hospital, Hour, Humane, Hydration, Illness, Indication, Inevitable, Ingest, Injection, Injury, Instinct, Intense, Intramuscular, Irregularity, Irreplaceable, Laboratory, Laceration, Latent, Lethal, Lethargic, License, Lunge, Malady, Malnutrition, Mannerism, Measure, Medical bag, Medicine, Merit, Obsess, Odd, Official, On call, Operate, Opiate, Opportunity, Option, Out of sorts, Output, Overdose, Overture, Paddock, Pain, Panel, Paraphernalia, Pasture, Patience, Patient, Poison, Portable, Practice, Precautionary, Prescription, Preventative, Procedure, Profession, Proof, Psychic, Pulse, Puzzling, Recovery, Regimen, Regulation, Report, Reputation, Resistance, Respiration, Respite, Restraint, Risky, Sample, Satchel, Sedative, Service, Severity, Shatter, Sickness, Side-effect, Sign, Situation, Small animal, Specialist, Specialize, Specialty, Sprain, Stat, Stethoscope, Stroke, Structure, Studies, Successful, Superficial, Surgery, Symptoms, Syringe, Teamwork, Tech, Technical, Temperature, Tendency, Terminology, Tether, Thermometer, Tireless, Transportation, Treatment, Trial, Triumph, Vascular, Version, Vicious, Victory, Vigil, Virus, Vision, Vital sign, Warning, Wary, Well-being, Wisdom, Work up, Worry, Wound. Certain animals whose sole purpose in life is to aid in breeding. The process of rotating pastures in a manner which allows the forage to grow back before it is grazed once more. The term used to refer to the decrease in intensity of an ultrasound beam as it travels through bodily tissue. Found inside – Page 13The veterinary staff including the veterinary the very routine procedures like toenail trims, ear assistant can either ... Then, in your and know when to rein back your involvement to prevent burning yourself out. own words, define or ... farrier. A piece of metal that is used to repair bones when they have become fractured. The area in the thorax between the two lungs, where the heart, esophagus, aorta, bronchials, and thymus are located. When living with a dog, you encounter many experiences as you learn to live with it. Absorption is how an animal's body makes use of nutrients from food. Can be large or small in size. Term used to refer to a cow that has undergone testosterone therapy; usually adorned with a bell-shaped marker. In this article I shall cover how to use the ACSF to identify LLN skill gaps. Something that has to do with an animal resembling its male parent. Found inside – Page 30(Holds up vet) This word is a short way of saying veterinarian. Who knows what a vet or veterinarian is? ... Before asking students to describe their thoughts about the categories, the teacher engages them in Listen and Look. An organism with no shape or form; moves with the help of a false foot. For the reason that he takes care of the family pet, a Veterinary can be considered a family doctor. Strives to continue learning new routines and practices to provide the utmost care in a full time role. In most cases, this is a progressive condition and is inheritable. The bodily process in which urine is produced and excreted. A white marking on the face of an animal that covers both of the eyes and both of the nostrils. An analysis system that is used to determine the amount of nutrients in feed, A color in an animal’s coat that is white or very close to it. A term used to indicate that something is free of germs. a) Any blemish that impairs an animal’s value b) Any deviation from what is normally regarded as far as breed is concerned. You can also go back to the complete list of adjectives starting with v. Please Share. Term used to indicate a horse that is standing with their feet close together. Term used to refer to longer fur, usually found on cats or rabbits. Term used to describe a horse who does not respond to directing by rein and bit as far as the mouth is concerned. A male turkey whose only goal is to breed. An animal belonging to the phylum Arthropoda; characterized by an external skeleton and jointed legs. Term used to refer to certain types of bacteria or organisms that only have the ability to survive in an environment of free oxygen. A type of control of horses used when breaking them in for training. A stone that can be found in the urinary bladder; may also be referred to as a cystolith. An enzyme created by the pancreas to break sugars down into starch. The idea that substances collect in an animal’s system and although they may remain immune to their effects there are other species that can be negatively affected by its presence in their environment. A bedsore; loss of tissue or skin due to pressure being applied for too long. dogs, cats, birds), horses, production animals (e.g. Any substance with the potential to produce an allergic reaction in an animal prone to such a reaction. A device used for watering an animal; the opening has a floater in it that releases water when moved so the animal can drink at will. You can get the definitions of these ~term~ adjectives by clicking on them. This may include different tools, equipment or… Any change in the way that cells are arranged and structured in relation to one another. The idea for the Describing Words engine came when I was building the engine for Related Words (it's like a thesaurus, but gives you a much broader set of related words, rather than just synonyms). Term used to refer to any drug that is used to slow down or stop the clotting of blood for medical purposes. An examination that occurs after the living thing has died, The period of time that occurs following a seizure, The period that immediately comes after the birthing process, A wet dressing that is applied to an injury or swollen area, A type of domesticated fowl that is raised for meat or eggs, A gland at the bottom of the tail in birds where they dress their feathers, The teeth found between the canine teeth and molars, The ability to give certain characteristics to offspring; unusually high ability to do so, A an animal who transmits features to its young in a high degree, The fold of skin over the top of the penis, An erection of the penis that is not associated with sexual excitement, The term for a female that has given birth to one young, The very first pregnancy of a female animal, A parent or ancestor of a particular animal, A hormone that is created at the time of pregnancy, The parts of a tapeworm that do not involve the head, The prediction of a disease’s outcome in advance, A hormone involving the secretion of milk, The falling forward of something, usually visceral, A condition where the uterus comes through the lips of the vulva, Condition in which the vulvae protrudes due to unusual pressure from birthing, Something that is used to prevent a disease, The gland around the urethra that secretes the fluid to allow sperm to move about, A substitute for a missing limb or body part, A compound of organic acids; may contain carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, or oxygen, One of the proteins in plasma used for clotting, The basic element of the cell, including the cytoplasm and nucleus, A group of organisms made up of only one cell; a one-celled animal, The type of feed that is dried and fed to domestic animals. The number of animals per unit area. The abdominal wall is a group of bones, muscles, and vital tissues that make up the wall around the organs in the abdomen. Copyright 2021 Vocabulary University ®. Using electrical shock to bring the heart beat back into normal limits. How to use veterinary in a sentence. The process of surgically fixing or repairing damaged blood vessels. The production of sperm cells in male animals. The eating of food without chewing, caused by anxiety—this can lead to being overweight, An enzyme found in saliva that aids in the digestion of starch, The flow of blood out of the heart into the lungs and back, The collection of fluid in the tissue of the lungs, The formation of fibers in the walls of the alveoli, Term used to refer to an animal that is one of the recognized, pure breeds, An agent that assists in the emptying of the bowels, A bruising of the skin that results from the hemorrhage into the skin, A product made of fluid, cell waste, and cells, An infection of the blood caused by the presence of organisms; animal may have abscesses about the body, A small opening or passage that connects the stomach and duodenum, A disease of the skin in which it emits pus, The collection of pus in the pleural cavity. The words to describe dogs listed below will help you find the best description for your pet. To be considered part of the accredited herd, two tests given must be passed. A doctor's visit can be stressful! A cross hybrid that is made up of two different variations of the same species of animal. A type of hormone that is used to stimulate oviposition in birds; similar in nature to oxytocin. A lump of tissue inside the right atrium; it helps to regulate the beat of the heart, A cavity within a bone; may also indicate a flow or channel, A medical condition; occurs when the sinus becomes inflamed, A craving of food, may relate to other medical conditions, A type of bird that broods once or twice each year, A muscle that is involved in voluntary movement, A color of a horse’s coat; has to do with white spots on a colored coat (all except black), A growth on the skin that hangs from the body by a piece of skin, A condition of birds caused by disruption in a nutritional plane; causes crippling, The term used for the saliva that drips from the mouth of an animal; may be due to excitement or medical reasons, A type of wet feed that is made by the mixing of surplus dairy products and mill products, like crushed grain and skim milk; often fed to pigs. When I got my fibromyalgia and MECFS diagnoses and then my IBS diagnosis, I experienced a whole new level of pain and suddenly found myself floundering to find words to describe the new pain . A pouch filled with air in the Eustachian tube in horses, A living thing in which part of the body exhibits characteristics of a female and other parts display those of a male, A type of rope used in training or exercising a horse. The term used to refer to the flesh at the bottom of the beak of a turkey; may be called a dew bill. In veterinary terms, used to refer to the loss of appetite or lack of eating. A surgical procedure in which the tube used to carry sperm into the pelvis is removed; in most cases the sexual urges are still there although the live sperm is not. Found attached to the fetus while en utero; expelled upon birth of the fetus. Refers to the sound properties of a given item. The stomach in certain birds; may also be referred to as the gizzard. A test performed in which milk and ethyl alcohol are combined to detect milk with abnormal properties. The term for a fear of wide open spaces; in veterinary terms, refers to animals who are kept stabled or in stalls for an extended period of time. To wear down or reduce; to dilute or make thinner. Any disease in which an animal's body creates antibodies that are used against itself. Abaxial is a term that refers to something in particular being found away from the center of the body or the body part in question. Can be large or small in size. A test developed by S.M. a) Term used to indicate a male pig that was neutered shortly after birth. Any substance that causes a certain effect by attaching itself to the right receptor. A medical procedure in which the joints are punctured in order to remove fluid. A tube found between the bladder and the outside of the body; used to assist in urination. Actistem Therapy How Does it Work? Traits that are not readily apparent and have to be measured in order to determine, like the rate of growth or the quality of the carcass, a condition in which an animal must be controlled in some manner in order to prevent a disease from spreading, A piece of leather that goes around the front foot of a horse to prevent striking with the hind foot, A clip that is placed on the horse shoe to prevent slippage; goes on the outside or inside of the quarters on the shoe. research facility that focuses on better understanding more than 40 animal diseases that are not native to the United States. Term used to refer to something that results from a method of treatment that caused no trauma or damage. A group of birds, including parakeets, parrots, macaws, etc. Contents The removal of all of the thyroid gland or just part of it through surgical means, A medical condition in which the thyroid gland becomes inflamed, The enlargement of all or part of the thyroid gland, Anything that can be transmitted through ticks, A group of cells designated for specialized function that is similar in function to one another, The act of punching holes in the membrane between the toes of birds; this is used for identification purposes, The term that is used to describe an animal that walks with his feet pointed outwards, An animal whose coat is made up of short hairs, A medicine that is used to make the bodily system healthier as a whole; may also refer to certain contractions of the muscles, A type of instrument that is used to measure intraocular pressure, A medical condition in which the tonsils are inflamed, A tool that is used to fill the teeth of horses, The term for hairs on a coat that are smooth and stiff; may also be known as guard hairs, A crest of feathers atop the head of certain birds, usually just for aesthetic purposes. A young hog weighing less than 150 pounds. Term used to refer to a medical condition that causes pain in the joints. A medical condition in which the ureter becomes distended. This ability arises from repair cells that are found throughout our body. Results, it may be found on cats or dogs anatomical terms where a saddle and cinch is placed the... Ureter after illness or damage in milk by spinning it ; the area in the! Albino animals usually have a job not describing words ; verb are words that start vet. Appeared to have died of protozoa ; may be used while playing words with friends words! ( white blood cells ) are not describing words for another word the cornea and become! Veterinary technicians to use medically precise words that mean normal or not-so-normal functions. Fatty deposits lacks feathers slop to his hoof than would normally be noticeable or an... Using a chemical analysis generated in a particular item or product ; may also referred... 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